Family business

In this complex and dynamic business environment, small and medium family owned businesses rank highest in terms of business types across the world. Leading a family owned business is different from the feelings of security, comfort, safety, and support that the word “family” normally implies. A family owned business can be much more complex and difficult to manage than other types of businesses.

Business Partners(Business Partners) was established to support this kind of important economic engine.  Through our consistently applied Family Business Process methodology, Business Partners is able to help the family owned business to achieve its full economic potential.  Our assessment of external and internal business environments will ensure efficient performance by:

  • Facilitating strategic thinking, planning, and management 
  • Managing and mitigating conflict
  • Succession Planning
  • Business Partners helps the family owned business to find the correct balance between family relationships, business operations, and financial management necessary to drive the company to greater success.


At Business Partners we strongly believe that timely intervention to reduce internal uncertainty in an otherwise volatile external business environment is the key to continued success and sustainability in family owned businesses. Resolving conflicts; achieving a proper balance between family, business operations and wealth management; developing a strategic road map to the future; and building trust will help the family owned business to continue its success across generations and to achieve its vision.

Services and Capabilities

  • Strategic Planning.
  • Succession Planning.
  • Recession Planning.
  • Governance.
  • Conflict Management.
  • Human Resource Management.